About UA Legal e-Source


The Legal Clinic of the University of Arkansas School of Law, in collaboration with the Care Foundation and the University of Arkansas Global Campus are pleased to make this resource available to non-profit organizations in Northwest Arkansas.

Even the most successful charitable organization can struggle with unknown or complicated legal issues and it is the goal of this web site to assist non-profit organizations with timely and relevant legal direction including web-based presentations and other information. UA Legal e-Source will assist nonprofit organizations in both understanding of and compliance with state and federal laws giving non-profits the tools necessary to achieve and maintain nonprofit status, freeing them to better focus on their nonprofit mission.


The University of Arkansas Legal Clinic, University of Arkansas Global Campus and Care Foundation, Incorporated publish the University of Arkansas On-Line Legal E-Source for education and information purposes only.  They use reasonable care in publishing University of Arkansas On-Line Legal E Source.  While the information on this site is about legal issues, it is not legal advice or legal representation.  Nothing transmitted to or from this website constitutes the establishment of an attorney-client relationship between you or any attorney.  Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law and our reliance upon outside sources, we make no warranty or guarantee of the accuracy or reliability of information contained herein or at other sites to which we link.  We assume no responsibility for any information, advice or services provided by any site to which we link.  Inclusion of a link should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by The University of Arkansas Legal Clinic, Department of Continuing Education or Care Foundation, Inc.